Half the battle with diets is convenience, the other half is hunger and this diet conquers both and gives you a way to keep the weight afterwards.
Convenience: The cookies are so convenient as you have nothing to prepare or make up, you just take 1 bag of cookies with you for the day and eat 1 or 2 cookies every 2 hours, then dinner is a simple lean meat plus salad or veggies. Simple.
Hunger: The success behind this diet is that it helps you stick to a low calorie diet (1000-1200 calories/day) without feeling hungry. Of course it takes a few days to adjust to the change in diet, but after that the cookies really suppress your hunger and help you stick to the diet without those pesky hunger pangs.
Afterwards: Once goal weight achieved, eat healthy meals and enjoy the cookies as a healthy, low calorie, hunger suppressing snack between meals so you don't over eat.
Proof: This diet is not a fad, it has been going strong and only growing by word of mouth for the last 40 years.
In depth:
The reason this diet is so effective is because it trains your body to eat the way its suppose to.
Weight Loss Phase: 9 Cookies a Day, 1 or 2 cookies every 2 hours (do not exceed 2 hours) + Dinner (250g lean meat plus salad/veggies) + Light exercise (20-30min walk, 2-3 times a week)
A lot people don't eat for 5 or 6 hours, then have a big meal, and that causes the weight to pile on. In the weight losing phase, Dr. Siegal's Cookie Diet trains your body to eat small portions frequently, this helps spike your metabolism throughout the day and facilitates weight loss. It also helps you get used to preparing one healthy meal per day (dinner).
The reason you WILL BE successful is 3 fold:
1. You don't feel hungry so you can stick to this low calorie diet
2. The diet super simple & convenient, so it is easy for you to stick to it
3. You will be equipped to enter the weight maintenance stage
Weight Maintenance Phase: Healthy Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner, 1-2 cookies inbetween meals + Moderate exercise (30-40 minutes of exercise, 2-3 times a week)
After you reach your goal weight you move to the maintenance phase. Now that your body is accustomed to eating small, frequent portions, you have had practice preparing healthy meals and you also have got into the routine of doing some light exercise, you are now prepared to scale that up slightly to prepare 3 healthy meals (can be found in our cookbook), and increase your exercise. The cookies you will eat in between your meals will help curb your sweet tooth and help control your hunger so you don't over eat.